White Collection
Nuda Veritas
The white space of hope and truth. Humanity stripped bare. The knight in shining, golden armour acts as the saviour of humankind. Nuda Veritas captures the essence of truth and authenticity. The beginning of a spiritual quest on the search for happiness.
Crépuscule des Âmes
A quest for the balance between purity and temptation is omnipresent. Crépuscule des Âmes is a second skin to wear in the dusky hours while the souls are at play, when we feel deep desires and the duality inherent in our consciousness.
Choeur des anges
Salvation is found in art, poetry and music, bringing the search for happiness to its conclusion. The final opus is exuberant and joyous, culminating in a warm embrace. Chœur Des Anges connects to the primal desire for happiness, where salvation is found. A radiant and joyous experience, a cocooned embrace, a kiss to the whole world.